It’s nearly that time of year again, when residents from all over Malden and Melrose come together to walk, run, and raise money for local non-profit food pantry Bread Of Life. This year will be the 25th time that people gather at our park to show support for the great work that the Bread Of Life does to feed the homeless and hungry. The event starts at 12pm October 1st and we encourage all residents of Malden and Melrose to come out and join in on this fabulous event!
Registration: 12 pm. Walk & 5K Run Start: 1 pm.
Free T-shirt, snacks and drinks for all participants, plus runner awards, DJ & take-aways.
Go to their site to download a pledge form or to sign up to be a sponsor: http://www.breadoflifemalden.org/events/2016/10/2/24th-annual-walk-for-bread-5k-run