If you’ve ever been to Pine Banks Park then you’ve definitely seen the track in our front field, it’s pretty hard to miss. We’ve been happy that its installment has allowed us to be the home of many track meets and practices in support of both Malden and Melrose teams. However, the beauty of the track is that it’s not reserved for runners only. Definitely don’t start running (or walking) the track through a track meet, but feel free to take a stroll (or run) when it’s available. If you want to check that a meet, game or practice isn’t going on before you head to the track then I suggest checking our field calendar (click here). Since fall and fall sports are coming quickly it’s probably best to get some of your walking in now but don’t let that stop you from taking advantage of this resource. Don’t be intimidated by those who choose to run the track either because if you stop by Pine Banks some evening you’ll usually see a handful of walkers getting just as much use out of the track as the runners. However it is extremely important to keep in mind that the track is meant for feet only, no wheels. There’s a sign at the track reminding the public that no wheels (strollers, bikes, skateboards, etc.) are allowed on the track and here: http://www.pinebanks.org/no-wheels-track/ is a link to a previous article better explaining why we have a “no wheels” policy. We here at Pine Bank Park hope everyone who uses the track will continue to enjoy it, even going into the colder months, and also hope others will give walking or running on the track a try.